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Published on 28 Nov, 2024 | 12:54:14 PM

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Linear orone-dimensional (1D)

There are many different types of One Dimensional Barcode.This tutorial will show you many of the 1D Barcode Formats and will help youunderstand the differences. A 1D barcode or One Dimensional Barcode is calledthis because of how the barcode is read. A 1D barcode is read from side toside. e.g. Code128Code 39,and UPC are referred to as Linear or1D (one-dimensional) barcode symbologies.


Holds less than 85 characters (symbologyspecific character limit).
A majority of customers are set up to useLinear barcodes (Linear scanner).
Creates a wide barcode.

The main benefitsof 1D barcodes in price. The barcode scanners for 1D barcodes are lessexpensive than the 2D barcode scanning is newer and thus more expensive. Ifyour organization does not need a large amount of data is barcodes, 1D is themoney-wise option. Another advantage is the overall performance of the 1Dbarcode scanner. Generally, it performs faster, has a longer scanning range,and lighting is irrelevant.


1D Barcode Types:  1D SYMBOLOGIES


·         CODABAR

·         CODE 11

·         CODE 25

·         CODE 32 Italian Pharmacode

·         CODE 39

·         CODE 93

·         CODE 128

·         GS1 DATABAR

·         EAN Code


·         MSI PLESSEY

·         UPC Code

·         KIX

·         RM4SCC






Introduction of CODABAR

Codabar is a linear barcode symbology developed in 1972 by Pitney Bowes Corp. It was designed to be accurately read evenwhen printed on dot-matrix printersfor multi-part forms such as FedEx airbillsand blood bank forms, wherevariants are still in use as of 2007. Although newer symbologies hold moreinformation in a smaller space, Codabar has a large installed base inlibraries. It is even possible to print Codabar codes using typewriter-likeimpact printers, which allows the creation of a large number of codes withconsecutive numbers without having to use computer equipment. After eachprinted code, the printer's stamp is mechanically turned to the next number, asfor example in mechanical mile counters.


·        This symbology is used by U.S. blood banks, photo labs, libraries,and FedEx airbills.

·        Encodes numbers and the characters –$:/.+

·        First and last symbols (the guard patterns) are one of A, B, C, orD. They are returned as part of the data string.

·        Supports variable length data content.

·        Some standards that use Codabar will define a check digit, butthere is no agreed-upon standard checksum algorithm.

·        The width ratio between narrow and wide can be chosen between1:2.25 and 1:3.


Specification of Codabar:

Because Codabaris self-checking, most standards do not define a check digit. Somestandards that use Codabar will define a check digit, but the algorithm is not universal. For purely numerical data, such as the library barcode pictured above, the Luhn algorithm is popular. When all 16 symbols are possible, a simple modulo-16 checksum is used. The values 10 through 19are assigned to the symbols, respectively.


Code 11

Introduction ofCode 11

Code 11 is a barcode symbology developed by Intermec in 1977. It isused primarily in telecommunications. The symbol can encode any length stringconsisting of the digits 0 -9 and the dash character (-). A twelfth coderepresents the start/stop character, commonly printed as "*". One or two modulo-11 check digit(s) can be included.

It is adiscrete, binary symbology where each digit consists of three bars and twospaces; a single narrow space separates consecutive symbols. The width of adigit is not fixed; three digits (0, 9 and -) have one wide element, while theothers have two wide elements.

The valid codes haveone wide bar, and may have one additional wide element (bar or space).





·    Primarily used for labeling telecommunication equipment. Alsoknown as USD-8.

·    The barcode data can be encoded numerical data, the dash and dotcharacter.

·    Supports variable length data content.

·     For up to 10 data digits a single check digit is used, otherwise, two check digits are used.


Specification of Code 11

The decoding tablehas 15 entries because the symbols with two wide bars (1, 4 and 5) are listedtwice.

Assuming narrowelements are one unit wide and wide elements are two units, the average digitis 7.8 units. This is better than codes with a larger repertoirelike Codabar (10 units) or Code 39 (11 units), but notquite as good as Interleaved 2 of 5 (7 units). The non-binarysymbology Code 128 uses 5.5 units per digit (11 units per digitpair).


Code 25


          Introduction of Code 25


The Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes is often an overlooked and yet important symbology used in the shipping and warehouse industries. Typically it is printedin low density to make it easy to scan or read,but it really is ahigh-density, numbers-only barcode developed in 1972 by David Allais, a leader in barcode design and the automaticidentification industry. It goes by a variety of names including I 2 of 5, I/L2 of 5, 2 of 5, 2/5 Interleaved and some more unique one like ANSI/AIM ITF-5,ANSI/AIM I-25, Uniform Symbology Spec ITF, and USS ITF 2/5, ITF.

One of the drawbacks of using this particular codeis that it will only work with an even number of numeric characters. If thereare an odd number of digits to encode, a zero is often added to the beginningof the code. Since the data security of Interleaved 2-of-5 is not quite as goodas the popular alpha-numeric Code 39, adding a CheckSum or Digit wouldalso work. Yet another way around this pairs requirement is to add fivenarrow spaces to the last digit.

Unlike other linear types of barcodes, the bars andspaces in Interleaved 2 of 5 only have two widths wide and narrow. What makesit so popular is that the data will be encoded in both the bars AND the spacesbetween the bars, thus achieving higher density by taking half the space of aCode 39 barcode. It is called “interleaved” because the data is interleavedbetween the bars and spaces. For instance, the first character will use thefirst five bars, while the second character willuse the first 5 spaces. By doing this, two characters areencoded in the space of what 5 bars would normally take. Two of every 5 bars orspaces are wide and three are narrow. This explains why this symbology willonly accept an even number of characters. It also explains where the term comes from.



·                    Also known as Standard 2 of 5, Industrial 2 of 5 or Discrete 2 of5.

·                    Legacy numerical barcode format with a low data density.

·                    Supports variable length data content.

·                    By default, no checksum is verified.


SDK Features: An optional mod10 checksum can be enforced.


Specification of  Code 25


Unlike other barcodes, I 2 of 5 will often containwhat are called bearer bars that create a frame around the entire code orsimply two perpendicular bars running across the top and bottom of the code It's rather interesting to understand the history of those bars the name bearer bars comes from the design of a metal grate or gate. Keep in mind too,that this code is commonly used on shipping boxes and the original way to printbarcodes on cardboard involved stamping a printed image.  In order toprevent barcode distortion when the stamp or print plate hits the box, bearerbars were added to strengthen the plate. Another solid incentive for using thebearers was discovered when people tried to scan the barcode at too sharp anangle. If that happens, the reader may not pick up all the data at the ends ofthe barcode and without realizing it, a valid translation will still bereported. The extra bars help prevent this from happening and also assure aproper quiet zone.


Another place where I/L 2 of 5 with bearer bars ispopular is on security badge labels where spaceconstraints are a concern. Time clock readers typically require barcodes up to18 digits in length so the compressed interleaving or interweaving isparticularly useful on labels less 3.00 long.

There is also an older, Standard 2 of 5 (aka Industrial 2 of 5 or simply2 of 5) that has been around since the 1960s; it is used in photofinishing, onairline tickets and warehouse sorting.  It is a fairly simple low-densitycode that encodes data only in the width of the bars, not the spaces. Becauseit can encode any number of characters and not just an even number of values,it can easily incorporate an optional module or mod 10 check digit to improvethe accuracy of the symbology.  Like Interleaved 2 of 5, the wide bars aretypically three times the width of the narrow bars, but the spaces are usuallythe width of the narrow bar.


CODE 32 ItalianPharmacode


Pharmacode, also known as PharmaceuticalBinary Code, is a barcode standard, used inthe pharmaceutical industry as a packing control system. It isdesigned to be readable despite printing errors. It can be printed in multiplecolors as a check to ensure that the remainder of the packaging (which thepharmaceutical company must print to protect itself from legal liability) iscorrectly printed.

For bestpractice (better security), the code should always contain at least three barsand should always be a combination of both thick and thin bars, (all thick barsor all thin bars do not represent a secure code).



·        It encodes numeric data in a compressed format by usingCode 39  Regular character set.

·        The symbol comprises the following elements:

·        Eight symbol characters that represent numeric digits

·        Check digit

·        If fewer than eight characters are specified, padding charactersare added.

·        Code 32 uses five bars and four spaces to encode each character.Three of the elements are wide, and the other six are narrow.

·        This symbology supports the following alphanumeric characters:

·        All numeric digits (0-9)

·        All uppercase letters except for A, E, I, and O

·        The Code 32 human readable interpretation begins with the ASCII character. This character is not encoded into the barcode.

·        Code 32 uses a check digit that is based on the modulo 10 (mod 10)algorithm.


Specification of  CODE 32 Italian Pharmacode


Pharmacode can represent only asingle integer from 3 to131070. Unlike other commonly used one-dimensional barcode schemes, pharma code does not store the data in a form corresponding to the human-readable digits;the number is encoded in binary, rather than decimal. Pharmacode is read fromright to left, also in left to right (if omnidirectional scanner): with as the bar position starting at 0 on the right, eachnarrow bar adds to the value andeach wide bar adds{\displaystyle 2\times 2^{n}}. The minimum barcodeis 2 bars and the maximum 16, so the smallest number that could be encoded is 3(2 narrow bars) and the biggest is 131070 (16 wide bars). It represents colorsthat are on the label.


Code 39


        Introduction of Code 39

Code 39 (also known as Alpha39Code3 of 9Code 3/9Type 39USS Code 39,or USD-3) is a variable length,discrete barcode symbology.

Code 39 the specification defines 43 characters, consisting of uppercase letters (A throughZ), numeric digits (0 through 9) and a number of special characters (-, ., $,/, +, %, and space). An additional character (denoted '*') is usedfor both start and stop delimiters. Each character is composed of nineelements: five bars and four spaces. Three of the nine elements in eachcharacter are wide (binary value 1), and six elements are narrow (binary value0). The width ratio between narrow and wide is not critical and may be chosenbetween 1:2 and 1:3.

The barcodeitself does not contain a check digit (in contrast to for instance Code 128),but it can be considered self-checking on the grounds that a single erroneouslyinterpreted bar cannot generate another valid character. Possibly the mostserious drawback of Code 39 is its low data density: It requires more space toencode data in Code 39 than, for example, in Code 128. This means that verysmall goods cannot be labeled with a Code 39 based barcode. However, Code 39 isstill used by some postal services (although the Universal PostalUnion recommends using Code 128 in all cases), and can be decoded withvirtually any barcode reader. One advantage of Code 39 is that since thereis no need to generate a check digit, it can easily be integrated into existingprinting system by adding a barcode font to the system or printer and thenprinting the raw data in that font.

Code39 was developed by Dr.David Allais and Ray Stevens of Intermec in 1974. Their original design included two widebars and one wide space in each character, resulting in 40 possible characters.Setting aside one of these characters as a start and stop pattern left 39characters, which was the origin of the name Code 39. Four punctuationcharacters were later added, using no wide bars and three wide spaces,expanding the character set to 43 characters.



·        Mostly used in logistics to encode application-specificidentifiers.

·        The standard version can encode numbers 0-9, capital letters A-Z,symbols -.$/+% and space.

·        Supports variable length data content.

·        Narrow to wide bar ratios from 1:2 up to 1:3 are supported. 1:2.5is recommended.

·        By default, no checksum is verified.

·        It has been standardized under ISO/IEC 16388.


SDK Features:

·        An optional mod43 checksum can be enforced.

·        All ASCII characters including control characters encoding supportcan be enabled.


Specification of Code 39

Code 39 issometimes used with an optional modulo 43 check digit. Using itrequires this feature to be enabled in the barcode reader.The code with checkdigit is referred to as Code 39 mod 43.

To compute this,each character is assigned a value. The assignments are listed in the tableabove, and almost, but not quite, systematic.

Here is how todo the checksum calculation:

·        Take the value (0 through 42) of eachcharacter in the barcode excluding start and stop codes.

·        Sum the values.

·        Divide the result by 43.

·        The remainder is the value of thechecksum character to be appended.



Code 93

          Introduction of Code 93


Code 93 isa barcode symbology designed in 1982 by Intermec to providea higher density and data security enhancement to Code 39. It is analphanumeric, variable length symbology. Code 93 is used primarilyby Canada Post to encode supplementary delivery information. Everysymbol includes two check characters.

Each Code 93 character is nine modules wide, and always has three bars and three spaces,thus the name. Each bar and space is from 1 to 4 modules wide. (For comparison,a Code 39 character consists of five bars and five spaces, three of which arewide, for a total width of 1316 modules.)

Code 93 isdesigned to encode the same 26 upper case letters, 10 digits and 7 specialcharacters as code 39:


0 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9

- . $/ + % SPACE

In addition to43 characters, Code 93 defines 5 special characters (including a start/stopcharacter), which can be combined with other characters to unambiguouslyrepresent all 128 ASCII characters.

In an open, the system, the minimum value of the X dimension is 7.5 miles (0.19 mm).The minimum bar height is 15 percent of the symbol length or 0.25 inches(6.4 mm), whichever is greater. The starting and trailing quiet zoneshould be at least 0.25 inches (6.4 mm).



·        Mostly used in logistics to encode application specificidentifiers.

·        Data in the standard encoding (numbers 0-9, capital letters A-Z,symbols -.$/+% and space) and Full ASCII mode (including control characters)are supported.

·        Supports variable length data content.

·        Two mod47 checksums are verified.


Specification of Code 93

A typical code 93 barcode has the following structure:

·        A start character *

·        Encoded message

·        First modulo-47 check character "C"

·        Second modulo-47 check character "K"

·        Stop Character *

·        Termination bar



Code 128

          Introduction of Code 128


Code 128 is one of the most popular,highest-density linear barcodes, widely used in applications where a relativelylarge amount of data must be encoded in a relatively small amount of space. Forthe most part, Code 128 tends to replace Code 39 and Interleaved 2 of 5 as amore compact and flexible code for warehouse and distribution applicationsthanks to its continuous, self-checking bidirectional features. You will alsofind it commonly used in the health industry, blood banking and electronicsmanufacturer.


The name Code 128 stems from the fact that it encodes not only text,numbers and numerous functions but also the entire ASCII 128 character set.Another relatively unknown bit of trivia (or coincidence) about Code 128 isthat was created back in the early 1980s by Ted Williams from ComputerIdentics (not of baseball fame) to meet the needs of the then-thriving printedcircuit board industry.

A strong survivor amongst a multitude of early generation barcodes, Code128 is classified as a variable length barcode. Every Code 128 barcode containsa start character, a string of data, a Modula or Mod 103 check digit and a stopcharacter. The entire Code 128 offers a total of 107 different printed patterns (103 data symbols, 3 start codes and 1 stop code.)

Each barcode can, in turn, have one of three different meanings based onthe specific Character Set used (A, B, or C) and initiatedby one of the 3 start codes. Due to the complexity of the character sets, iteven has the feature to automatically switch between character sets to best fitthe label.

128A Contains ASCII characters 00-95 (0-9, A-Z plus control codes)and special characters

128B  Contains ASCII characters 32-127 (0-9, A-Z, a-z) and specialcharacters

128C  Contains 00-99 (double density of numeric data only and FNC1.

128 Auto  Encodes your data with the shortest number of barsautomatically and should be used whenever possible

To recognize Code 128, each character in a Code 128 symbol begins with abar and ends with a space (except for the stop character which adds an extrabar).  Each is made up of three bars and three spaces. The bars and spaceshave 4 different widths (1, 2, 3 or 4 units) with the sum of the bar widthsbeing even and the sum of the spaces being odd for a total of 11 units percharacter.

Over time, Code 128 has been adapted with specific industry standards tohandle complex product identification:

GS1-128 (formerly UCC128 or EAN128) established by the same an organization that controls UPC barcodes and which handles the SSCC-18 andSSCC-14 used for shipping containers

AIAG  the Automotive Industry Action Group

ISBT-128  for blood products

SSCC-18 for shipping containers

USPS  uses a basic Code 128 for delivery confirmations

USPS uses Code USPS-L-3216, a 24 digit label for tubs and sacks




·        Used in a wide range of applications.

·        The barcode data can be encoded numerical data only or twodifferent subsets of the ASCII table. Combinations of the three different modescan be used in a single code.

·        Supports variable length data content.

·        A mandatory checksum is verified.

·        It has been standardized under ISO/IEC 15417.


SDK Features:

·        GS1 codes are identified to signal that the application identifier is present (GS128).

Specification of Code 128


The specialsymbol FNC4 ("Function 4"), present only in code sets A and B, can beused to encode all the Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) characters in a Code 128 barcode. The feature is not widelysupported and is not used in GS128. When a single FNC4 is presentin a string, the following symbol is converted to ASCII as usual, and then 128is added to the ASCII value. (If the following symbol is a shift, then a secondsymbol will be used to obtain the character.) If two FNC4s are usedconsecutively then all following characters will be treated as such, up to theend of the string or another pair of FNC4s. Between the double FNC4s, a singleFNC4 will be used to denote that the following character will bestandard ASCII.

7.1.1        128 Barcode widths

Code128specifies a combination of 6 alternating bars and spaces (3 of each) for eachsymbol. Thus, each symbol begins with a bar and ends with space. In barcodefonts, the final bar is generally combined with the stop symbol to make a widerstop pattern. The following table details the widths associated with each barand space for each symbol. The width of each bar or space may be 1, 2, 3 or 4units (modules). Using the example above, an 'A' would be depicted with thepattern of 10100011000, or as widths 111323 in the tables below.

The widths valueis derived by counting the length of each run of 1's then 0's in the pattern,starting from the left. There will always be 6 runs and the lengths of these 6runs from the Widths value. For example, using the pattern 10100011000, the runlengths are 1 (digit 1), 1 (digit 0), 1 (digit 1), 3 (digit 0), 2 (digit 1), 3(digit 0). Reporting just the lengths of each run gives 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 3,thereby producing a widths value of 111323.




    Introductionof GS1 DATABAR


DataBar (formerly known as RSS or ReducedSpace Symbology) is a relatively new bar code symbology that was formallyadopted by the global supply chain in January 2011. The GS1 DataBar can carryall 14 digits of a manufacture™s GTIN and ismore than 50% smaller than the currently used UPC and EAN symbols. This makesit particularly useful for identifying small/hard-to-mark items such as produceand pharmaceutical items. Additionally, the GS1 DataBar symbol can carry GS1Application Identifiers which allow additional information such as serialnumbers, lot numbers, and expiration dates to be encoded.

The greater dimensional efficiency combined withthe ability to encode additional data opens the doors for creating tradesolutions that greater support product identification, traceability, qualitycontrol, and more flexible coding for coupon applications.




·        Used to encode a Global Trade Identification Numbers (GTIN) alongwith variable additional information defined by application identifiers (AI).Examples are price, weight or expiry date.

·        Valid application identifiers (AI) are defined in the GS1specification.

·        Supports variable length data content.

·        Barcode data is verified by an implicit checksum.

·        It does not require quiet zones around the barcode.

·        It has been standardized under ISO/IEC 24724.

·        DataBar-14 is supported in the omnidirectional, truncated andstacked flavor.

·        DataBar Expanded is supported in the normal and stacked flavor.

·        DataBar Limited is supported since SDK version 4.11.


Specification of GS1DATABAR


·        Databar bar code symbols can encode all 14 digits of aGTIN-14 were UPC & EAN cannot.

·        The Databar symbol is over 50% smaller than EAN/UPC so itcan be used for smaller or hard to mark items.

·        Databar bar codes are not going to replace EAN/UPCsymbols. Product manufacturers can decide the language they wish to use basedon package design.

·       Databar symbols and GS1 Application Identifiers will beavailable in all trade item scanning systems beginning January 1, 2010. At thattime, retail POS scanners should be able to auto-discriminate between thevarious GS1 barcode languages.

·        Adoption of the Databar symbology is critical to address the revised coupon coding requirements.


Types of DataBar barcodes

TheGS1 DataBar family consists of seven symbols in total: four for use apoint-of-sale and they're not for use at the point of sale. The symbols for use atpoint-of-sale are shown below.




DataBar Omnidirectional

·         USPS IMB Symbol ID: ]e0

·         Capacity: 14 numeric

·         Omnidirectional

·         Supports GTIN, GCN

·         Does not support attributes




DataBarStacked Omnidirectional

·         DataBarStacked Omnidirectional  Symbol ID: ]e0

·         Capacity: 14 numeric

·         Omnidirectional

·         Supports GTIN, GCN

·         Does not support attributes




DataBar Expanded Stacked

·         Symbol ID: ]e0

·         Capacity: Maximum 74 Numeric/ 41 alphabetic

·         Omnidirectional

·         Supports GTIN, GCN

·         Does support attributes



DataBar Expanded



·         Symbol ID: ]e0

·         Capacity: Maximum 74 Numeric/ 41 alphabetic

·         Omnidirectional

·         Supports GTIN, GCN

·         Does support attributes

EAN Code

Introductionof EAN Code

The International Article Number (also knownas European Article Number or EAN,) is a standarddescribing a barcode symbology and numbering system used in globaltrade to identify a specific retail product type, in a specific packagingconfiguration, from a specific manufacturer. The standard has been subsumed inthe Global Trade Item Number standard from the GS1 organization;the same numbers can be referred to as GTINs and can be encoded inother barcode symbologies defined by GS1. EAN barcodes are used worldwide forlookup at retail point of sale, but can also be used as numbers for otherpurposes such as wholesale ordering or accounting.

The most commonly used EAN standard is the thirteen-digit EAN-13,a superset of the original 12-digit Universal Product Code (UPC-A)standard developed in 1970 by George J. Laurer. An EAN-13 numberincludes a 3-digit GS1 prefix (indicating country of registration or a special type of product). A prefix with the first digit of "0"indicates a 12-digit UPC-A code follows. A prefix with the first two digits of"45" or "49" indicates a Japanese Article Number (JAN) follows.

The less commonly used 8-digit EAN-8 barcodewas introduced for use on small packages, where EAN-13 would be too large.2-digit EAN-2 and 5-digit EAN-5 aresupplemental barcodes, placed on the right-hand side of EAN-13 or UPC. Theseare generally used for periodicals like magazines or books, to indicate the current year's issue number; and weighed products like food, toindicate the manufacturer's suggested retail price.



·        Used to encode Global Trade Identification Numbers (GTIN).

·        Contains 8 (EAN-8) or 13 (EAN-13) numerical digits.

·         The last digit serves as a mod10 checksum.

·        Additional data can be stored in an EAN-2 or EAN-5 add-on code.

·        It has been standardized under ISO/IEC 15420.


7.4         EAN Code Variations

7.5      International StandardSerial Number (ISSN)

7.6      International Standard Book Number (ISBN)



 (Used to identify periodicals around the world)


An InternationalStandard Serial Number (ISSN) is an eight-digit serialnumber used to uniquely identify a serialpublication. The ISSN is especially helpful in distinguishing betweenserials with the same title. ISSN is used in ordering, cataloging, interlibraryloans, and other practices in connection with serial literature.

The ISSN systemwas first drafted as an International Organization forStandardization (ISO) international standard in 1971 andpublished as ISO 3297 in 1975. ISO subcommittee TC 46/SC 9 isresponsible for maintaining the standard.

7.8      Comparison with other identifiers

ISSNand ISBN codes are similar in concept, where ISBNs are assigned toindividual books. An ISBN might be assigned for particular issues of aserial, in addition to the ISSN code for the serial as a whole. An ISSN, unlikethe ISBN code, is an anonymous identifier associated with a serial title,containing no information as to the publisher orits location. For this reason, a new ISSN is assigned to a serial each timeit undergoes a major title change.

Since the ISSNapplies to an entire serial a new identifier, the Serial Item andContribution Identifier (SICI), was built on top of it to allow referencesto specific volumes, articles, or other identifiable components (likethe table of contents).

7.9      ISSNvariants and labels

There are two most popular media types that adopted special labels (indicating belowin italics), and one, in fact, ISSN-variant, with also an optional label. All areused in standard metadata contexts like JATS, and the labelsalso, frequently, as abbreviations.

7.9.1         Print ISSN

p-ISSN is a standard label for "Print ISSN", theISSN for the print media (paper) version of a serial. Usually, it isthe "default media", so the "default ISSN".

7.9.2        Electronic ISSN

e-ISSN (or e-ISSN) is a standard label for "ElectronicISSN", the ISSN for the electronic media (online) version of aserial.

7.9.3        Linking ISSN

ISSN-L isa unique identifier for all versions of the serial containing theThe same content across different media. Asdefined by ISO 3297:2007,the "linking ISSN (ISSN-L)" provides a mechanism for collocation orlinking among the different media versions of the same continuing resource.

The ISSN-L is one ISSN number amongthe existing ISSNs, so, does not change the use or assignment of "ordinary" ISSNs; it is based on the ISSN of the first published medium version ofthe publication. If the print and online versions of the publication arepublished at the same time, the ISSN of the print version is chosen as thebasis of the ISSN-L.

With ISSN-L is possible to designateone single ISSN for all those media versions of the title. The use of ISSN-L facilitates search,retrieval and delivery across all media versions for serviceslike OpenURL, library catalogs, searchengines or knowledge bases.


(Used toidentify books around the world)


The InternationalStandard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique numeric commercialbook identifier. Publishers purchase ISBNs from an affiliate of theInternational ISBN Agency.

An ISBN isassigned to each edition and variation (except reprinting) of a book. Forexample, an e-book, a paperback anda hardcover edition of the samebook would each have a different ISBN. The ISBN is 13 digits long if assignedon or after 1 January 2007, and 10 digits long if assigned before 2007. Themethod of assigning an ISBN is nation-based and varies from country to country;often depending on how large the publishing industry is within a country.

The initial ISBN configuration of recognition was generated in 1967, based upon the 9-digit StandardBook Numbering (SBN) created in 1966. The 10-digit ISBN formatwas developed by the InternationalOrganization for Standardization (ISO) and waspublished in 1970 as international standard ISO 2108 (the SBN code can beconverted to a ten-digit ISBN by prefixing it with a zero digit "0").

Privately published books sometimes appear without an ISBN. TheInternational ISBN agency sometimes assigns such books ISBNs on its owninitiative.

Another identifier, the InternationalStandard Serial Number (ISSN), identifiesperiodical publications such as magazines;and the International Standard Music Number(ISMN)covers for musical scores.


7.10     History of ISBN

The StandardBook Numbering (SBN) code is a 9-digitcommercial book identifier system created by Gordon Foster,Emeritus Professor of Statistics at Trinity College, Dublin, for thebooksellers and stationers WHSmith and others in 1965. The ISBNconfiguration of recognition was generated in 1967 in the United Kingdom byDavid Whitaker (regarded as the "Father of the ISBN") and in1968 in the United States by Emery Koltay (who later became director ofthe U.S. ISBN agency R.R. Bowker).

The 10-digitISBN format was developed by the International Organization forStandardization (ISO) and was published in 1970 as international standardISO 2108. The United Kingdom continued touse the 9-digit SBN code until 1974. ISO has appointed the International ISBNAgency as the registration authority for ISBN worldwide and the ISBN Standardis developed under the control of ISO Technical Committee 46/Subcommittee9 TC 46/SC 9. The ISO on-line facility only refers back to 1978.

An SBN may beconverted to an ISBN by prefixing the digit "0". For example, thesecond edition of Mr. J. G. Reeder Returns, published by Hodder in1965, has "SBN 340 01381 8" â€“ 340indicating the publisher, 01381 their serial number, and 8 being the checkdigit. This can be converted to ISBN 0-340-01381-8; the check digitdoes not need to be re-calculated.

Since 1 January2007, ISBNs have contained 13 digits, a format that is compatible with"Bookland" European Article Number EAN-13s.

        HowISBNs are issued

ISBN issuance iscountry-specific, in that ISBNs, are issued by the ISBN registration agency thatis responsible for that country or territory regardless of the publicationlanguage. The ranges of ISBNs assigned to any particular country are based onthe publishing profile of the country concerned, and so the ranges will varydepending on the number of books and the number, type, and size of publishersthat are active. Some ISBN registration agencies are based in nationallibraries or within ministries of culture and thus may receive direct fundingfrom the government to support their services. In other cases, the ISBNregistration service is provided by organizations such as bibliographic data providersthat are not government funded.

A full directory of ISBN agencies isavailable on the International ISBN Agency website. Partiallisting:

·        Australia: thecommercial library services agency Thorpe-Bowker;

·        Brazil:The National Library of Brazil

·        Canada(English): Library and Archives Canada, a government agency

·        Canada(French): Biblioth que ET Archives Nationales du Qu©bec

·        Colombia: CámaraColombiana del Libro, an NGO

·        Hong Kong: BooksRegistration Office (BRO), under the Hong Kong Public Libraries

·        India: The RajaRammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN (Book Promotion and Copyright Division),under the Department of Higher Education, a constituent of the Ministry ofHuman Resource Development

·        Israel: IsraelCenter for Libraries

·        Italy: ISERsrl, owned by AssociazioneItalianaEditori (ItalianPublishers Association)

·        Maldives:The National Bureau of Classification (NBC)

·        Malta: TheNational Book Council (Maltese: Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb)

·        Morocco: TheNational Library of Morocco

·        New Zealand:The National Library of New Zealand

·        Pakistan: NationalLibrary of Pakistan

·        Philippines: NationalLibrary of the Philippines

·        South Africa:National Library of South Africa

·        Turkey: GeneralDirectorate of Libraries and Publications, a branch of the Ministry ofCulture

·         United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland: Nielsen BookServices Ltd, part of Nielsen Holdings N.V.

·        UnitedStates: R.R. Bowker.



         (Used onproducts at the point of sale)


An EAN-8 isan EAN/UPC symbology barcode and is derived from thelonger International Article Number (EAN-13) code. It wasintroduced for use on small packages where an EAN-13 barcode would be toolarge; for example on cigarettes, pencils, and chewinggum packets. It is encoded identically to the 12 digits ofthe UPC-A barcode, except that it has 4 (rather than 6) digits ineach of the left and right halves.

 EAN-8 barcodes may be used to encode GTIN-8(8-digit Global Trade Identification Numbers) which are product identifiersfrom the GS1 System. A GTIN-8 begins with a 2- or 3-digit GS1 prefix (which isassigned to each national GS1 authority) followed by a 5- or 4-digit itemreference element depending on the length of the GS1 prefix), and a checksumdigit.

EAN-8codes are common throughout the world, and companies may also use them toencode RCN-8 (8-digit Restricted Circulation Numbers), and use them to identifyown-brand products sold only in their stores. RCN-8 are a subset of GTIN-8which begin with the first digit of 0 or 2




(Used onproducts at the point of sale)



This Symbology isalso known as Japanese Article Number 13, JAN-13 Supplement 5/Five-digit Add-On,JAN-13 Supplement 2/Two-digit Add-On, JAN-13+5, JAN-13+2, JAN13, JAN13+5,JAN13+2


JAN-13 (Japanese Article Numbering) barcode Symbology isanother name for EAN-13 barcode Symbology.

For JAN barcodes the first two digits must be 45 or 49which identifies Japan.

The value to encode by JAN-13 has the following structure:

·        2 digits for Number System or Country Code which MUST BE 49 or 45

·        5 digits for Manufacturer (Company) Code or prefix

·        5 digits for Product Code

·        1 digit for checksum

Add-On or Supplement code

The Add-On Symbols were designed to encode informationsupplementary to that in the main bar code symbol on periodicals and paperbackbooks. The Add-On can be composed of 2 or 5 digits only.

JAN (Japanese Article Numbering) is another name for the EAN-13barcode. The first two digits - the country code - must be 45 or 49 (Japan). 







(Used onproducts at the point of sale)


The EAN 13, asthe name suggests, represents a 13-character code. It uses 3 types ofencodings: coding A, B and C. Of the 13 characters only 12 are represented since the first digit from the left identifies the sequence of encodings A or Bof the next 6 characters. There are also start characters (101), stop(101) and central control (01010).


101 (6 characterscoded in A or B) 01010 (6 characters coded in C) 101

The printed codemust have precise areas of offset and overflow to allow reading, and inparticular, the thickness of 1 module between the code and the end of the label atthe top, 1 module between the end of the numbers under the code and the end ofthe bottom plate, 7 modules between the code and the right margin and 11modules for the left margin.

Therefore, an EAN 13 code will be made up of 11+ (12 * 7) + 7 + 3 + 3 + 5 = 113 modules, ofwhich 95 code modules and 18 overflow modules.

EAN 13 is usedfor marking products for the global market:

·        the first two digits of the codeidentify the country where the codification has been requested by who holds theproduct's trademark (for example, Italy is indicated by the digits 80 and 81);

·        the next five digits identify theproducer;

·        the further five digits identify thename of the product within the company;

·        the last digit represents theso-called " check digit ", which is calculated by means ofa specific algorithm: the first 12 digits of the code are multipliedalternately by 1 and by 3, then the values obtained are added; the checkdigit is the smallest number to add to this sum to get a multiple of 10. In thecode example above, it is calculated as follows: 2 · 1 + 4 · 3 + 1 · 1 + 2 · 3+ 3 · 1 + 4 · 3 + 5 · 1 + 6 · 3 + 7 · 1 + 8 · 3 + 9 · 1 + 0 · 3 = 99; 1 ismissing to reach the multiple of the nearest top 10, or 100. 


How the13-digit EAN-13 is encoded


The 13-digit EAN-13 number can be divided into 3 groups: firstdigit, left a group of 6 digits, right group of 6 digits.

The barcode consists of 95 equally spaced areas (also calledmodules). From left to right:

·        3 areas to encode the start marker.

·        42 (6*7) areas making up the left group of 6 digits. This can befurther subdivided into 6 subgroups, each consisting of seven areas. Thesubgroups encode digits 2-7. Each of these encodings can have even or oddparity. The parties have taken together, indirectly encode the first digit ofEAN-13.

·        5 areas to encode the marker for the center of the barcode.

·        42 (6*7) areas making up the right group of 6 digits. This canbe further subdivided into 6 subgroups, each consisting of seven areas. Thesubgroups encode digits 8-13. Digits 8-13 are all encoded with even parity.Digit 13 is the check digit.

·        3 areas to encode the end marker.

Each area can be a black bar (1) or white space (0). A maximum offour black bar areas can be grouped together, these make up a wide black bar.Likewise, a maximum of four white space areas can be grouped together, thesemake up a wide white space.

The start marker and the end marker are encoded as 101. Thecenter marker is encoded as 01010.

Each digit in EAN-13 (except digit 1, which is not directlyencoded) consists of seven areas. A decimal digit is encoded so that itconsists of two (wide) bars and two (wide) spaces.

The digits in the left group are encoded so that they alwaysstart with white space, and end with a black bar. The digits in the rightgroup are encoded so that they always start with a black bar, and end with white space.

Finally, the combination of variable-width black bars and whitespaces encode the EAN-13 number.


Introduction of Interleaved-Two-of-Five(ITF)


Code 25Interleaved (also known as Code 2 of 5 Interleaved, Interleaved 2 or 5, or ITF)is a variant of Code 25 Industrial that stores data in pairs, with 5 bars representingone digit, and the 5 spaces interleaved within the bars representing the seconddigit. Thus, every 10 bar/spaces represent two digits (as compared to Code 25Industrial, where every 10 bar/spaces represent a single digit). This limitsCode 25 Interleaved to storing an even number of digits, but it is much morecompact than Code 25 Industrial. When storing an odd number of digits, aleading zero is typically added, though some implementations use 5 narrowspaces as the last digit (which strictly speaking is not a valid 2 of 5 symbolssince it does not include two wide modules). Here is the example from above;including a leading zero so there is an even number of digits:

In contrast toCode 25 Industrial, Code 25 Interleaved is a continuous barcode symbology;there is no inter-character space between adjacent data characters and thespace between characters is part of the data representation.

Code 25Interleaved uses unique start and stop characters, but does not include acheck-digit.  However, Code 25 Interleaved is self-checking (meaning, asingle read/scan error will not result in incorrect decoding). Many users ofCode 25 Interleaved still implements a check digit for added security andreliability. Here is the example again, diagramed for clarity:



·        It is used primarily in the distribution and warehouse industry.

·        It encodes an even number of numerical characters.

·        Supports variable length data content.

·        Narrow to wide bar ratios from 1:2 up to 1:3 are supported. 1:2.5is recommended.

·        By default, no checksum is verified.

·        It has been standardized under ISO/IEC 16390.


SDK Features:

·        An optional mod10 checksumcan be enforced.


7.12.3    Why use Code 25?

Since Code 25can only represent numeric digits, its uses are limited. The lack of a standardizedcheck digit and its relatively low density further limit the barcode. Code 25Industrial was used initially in the logistics industry, primarily on thecartons of some products (though it has since been displaced by Code 25Interleaved).

With its higherdata density and self-checking symbology, Code 25 Interleaved is used morecommonly.

   Who uses Code 25?

Code 25(Interleaved in particular) is still in use today in several industries:

·        The GS1 ITF-14 standard uses Code 25Interleaved for carton labeling, where the cartons contain products which inturn are typically labeled with UPC or EAN barcodes.

·        135 film (35mm) canisters use a Code25 Interleaved barcode which is scanned by many film-processing machines whenthe canister is inserted for developing.

·        Deutsche Post (DHL) uses two variantsof Code 25 Interleaved: Identcode and Leitcode.


Introduction of MSI Plessey

Today we're goingto take a look at the lesser-known MSI Plessey barcode symbology. MSI Plessey(or Modified Plessey) was developed by the MSI Data Corporation to serve as anevolution of the original Plessey barcode, which was created in the early 1970s. The original Plessey barcode was developed for the library industry,though today the MSI Plessey code is typically used for inventory management inretail environments. You will commonly find these codes marking the shelves insupermarkets.



·        MSI is used primarily for inventory control, marking storagecontainers and shelves in warehouse environments.

·        Encodes any number of numerical characters.

·        By default, a mod10 checksum is verified.

SDK Features:

·        Verifying no checksum is supported as an option.

·        Alternative supported checksum options are mod11, mod1010 andmod1110.


Characterset and binary lookup

 The MSI bar coderepresents only digits 9; it does not support letters or symbols.

Each digit isconverted to 4 binary coded decimal bits. Then a 1 bit is prependedand two 0 bits are appended.

Finally, each bit is printed as a bar/space pair totaling three modules wide. A 0 bit isrepresented as 1/3 bar followed by 2/3 space, while a 1 bit is represented as2/3 bar followed by 1/3 space.

Here an example:

As an example, we will generate an MSI barcode for the numbersequence 1234567 using the most common Mod 10 check digit methodology.

The check digit (as calculated above) for this sequence is 4.

Once you have calculated your check digit, simply map eachcharacter in the string to be encoded using the table above as a reference toget the binary map of the bar code; remember to precede the code with"start" and to end it with "stop" For example, to map thestring 1234567 with a Mod 10 check digit it would produce the following binarymap:






The start character



The number 1



The number 2



The number 3



The number 4



The number 5



The number 6



The number 7



The check digit 4



This results in thefollowing barcode:


Usage Filed

It is one of the firstbarcode symbology, and is still used in some rare libraries and for shelf tagsin retail stores, in part as a solution to their internal requirement for stockcontrol.

The Plessey was first usedin the early 1970s by J.Sainsbury to identify all of its products onsupermarket shelves for its product restocking system.


 What is the Universal Product Code (UPC)?

A UPC, short for Universal Product Code, isa type of code printed on retail product packaging to aid in identifyinga particular item. It consists of two parts the machine-readablebarcode, which is a series of unique black bars, and the unique 12-digit numberbeneath it.

The purpose of UPCs is to make it easy toidentify product features, such as the brand name, item, size, and color, whenan item is scanned at checkout. In fact, that's why they were created in thefirst place to speed up the checkout process at grocery stores. UPCs are alsohelpful in tracking inventory within a store or warehouse.

To obtain a UPC for use on a product acompany has to first apply to become part of the system. GS1 US, theGlobal Standards Organization, formerly known as the Uniform Code Council,manages the assigning of UPCs within the US.


·                    Used to encode Global Trade Identification Numbers (GTIN).

·                    Contains 6 (UPC-E) or 12 (UPC-A) numerical digits.

·                     The last digit serves as a mod10 checksum.

·                    Additional data can be stored in an EAN-2 or EAN-5 add-on code.

·                    It has been standardized under ISO/IEC 15420.


SDK Features:

·                    The first digit is always zero and can be removed on demand.

·                    UPC-E representation can be automatically converted to the UPC-Aformat.


Partsof a UPC

After paying a fee to join, GS1 assigns a6-digit manufacturer identification number, which becomes the first six digitsin the UPC on all the company’s products. That number identifies the particularmanufacturer of the item.

The next five digits of the UPC is called anitem number. It refers to the actual product itself. Within each company is a person responsible for issuing item numbers, to ensure that the same numberisn†used more than once and that old numbers referring to discontinuedproducts are phased out.

Many consumer products have severalvariations, based on, for example, size, flavor, or color. Each varietyrequires its own item number. So a box of 24 one-inch nails has a differentitem number than a box of 24 two-inch nails or a box of 50 one-inch nails.

The last digit in the 12-digit UPC is calledthe check digit. It is the product of several calculations adding andmultiplying several digits in the code to conform to the checkout scannerthat the UPC is valid. If the check digit code is incorrect, the UPC won scanproperly.


UPC-E is a compressed variation of theUPC-A symbol that is used where physical label space is limited. Compressionworks by squeezing out zeroes when printing the barcode and then re-insertingthem automatically in the barcode scanner. It is important to understand thatevery UPC-E code can be de-compressed into its UPC-A equivalent, but not everyUPC-A code can be compressed to UPC-E.

Since compression works by squeezingout zeroes, the original UPC-A code needs to have some spare zeroes, to beginwith. Only manufacturer GS1 ID numbers beginning with zero are eligible (NumberSystem 0). In addition, there are four rules that determine what UPC codes canbe printed using the compressed UPC-E format:

  1. If the last 3 digits of the manufacturer's ID is 000, 100, or 200, the valid product code numbers are 00000 - 00999 (1,000 numbers).
  2. If the last 3 digits of the manufacturer's ID are 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, or 900, the valid product code numbers are 00000 - 00099 (100 numbers).
  3. If the last 2 digits in the manufacturer's ID are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, or 90, the valid product code numbers are 00000 - 00009 (10 numbers).
  4. If the manufacturer's number does not end in zero, the valid product code numbers are 00005 - 00009 (5 numbers).


UPC-A is used for marking productsthat are sold at retail in the USA. The barcode identifies the manufacturerand specific product so point-of-sale cash register systems can automaticallylook up the price. Note that the UPC-A and EAN-13 codes are validworldwide, so products marked with a UPC-A code can be sold outside the USA.The UPC-A Code and the assignment of manufacturer ID numbers are administeredby GS1.

 UPC-E symbol for small items

The UPC-E code is acompressed barcode which is intended for use on physically small items. Compression works by squeezing extra zeroes out of the barcode and thenautomatically re-inserting them at the scanner.  Only barcodes containingzeroes are candidates for the UPC-E symbol.  GS1 is very stingy when itcomes to handing out manufacturer ID numbers that are rich in zeroes; these arereserved manufacturers of products that have a genuine need for the UPC-Esymbol.  If you need a small symbol, tell GS1 when you apply for amanufacturer's ID number and be prepared to substantiate your need.

Advantagesof UPCs

UPCs have a number of advantages to businessesand consumers. Because they make it possible for barcode scanners toimmediately identify a product and its associated price, UPCs improve speed.

They improve efficiency and productivity, byeliminating the need to manually enter product information.

They also make it possible to track inventorymuch more accurately than hand counting, to know when more product is needed onretail shelves or in warehouses. Or when there is an issue with a particularproduct and consumers who purchased it need to be alerted or a recall issued,UPCs allow products to be tracked through production to distribution to retailstores and even into consumer homes.

 How do I getassigned UPC numbers?

All UPC numbers are assigned by GS1 the Global Standards Organization, formerly known as the Uniform Code Council. Theirwebsite is very helpful and includes complete information to applying for and getting assigned UPCs.If you're outside the US, visit here tofind contact info for your location.

If you need UPC labels to sell your products orplan on reselling through large retailers (such as Walmart, WholeFoods, Kohla, Home Depot, CVS, Michaels, among many others), you will need to work with GS1 directly.You may also find that over time, the number of retailers forcing GS1compliance for traceability requirements will increase.



TheKIX Barcode

The KIXbarcode (Klant index) has nothing to do with breakfast cereal but isused for mail sorting by the postal service of the Netherlands, Koninklijke TNTPost (Royal TNT Post). (If you use that "TNT" name as a launchingpoint for jokes about blowing up post offices, you'll probably get a visit fromgovernment agents in the current political climate.)

This sort of barcode system is regarded as "four-state" because there are four typesof bars, classified by the presence of ascenders and/or descenders. This sort ofsystem is transcribable using DAFTnotation. These sorts of bar codes areused by a number of countries in their postal systems, though the specific symbologiesby which they encode characters can vary. The KIX system encodes alphanumericcharacters, and is a slight variant of the Royal Mail 4-State system,omitting the start and end symbols and checksum.


The KIXbarcode (Klant index)


·        Used for mail sorting by the postal service of the Netherlands,Koninklijke TNT Post (Royal TNT Post)

·        Regarded as four-statebecause there are four types of bars,classified by presence of ascenders and/or descenders

·        Transcribable using DAFT notation

·        Used by a number of countries in their postal systems, though thespecific symbologies by which they encode characters can vary

·        Encodes alphanumeric characters, and is a slight variant ofthe Royal Mail 4-State system, omitting the start and end symbols andchecksum.


RM4SCC (Royal Mail 4-State CustomerCode) is the name of the barcode character set based on the RoyalMail 4-State Bar Code symbology created by Royal Mail. The RM4SCC is usedfor the Royal Mail Cleanmail service. It enables UK postcodes as wellas Delivery Point Suffixes (DPSs) to be easily read by a machine at high speed.

This barcode isknown as CBC (Customer Bar Code) within Royal Mail.

PostNL usesa slightly modified version called KIX which stands for Klant index (Customerindex); it differs from CBC in that it doesn't use the start and end symbols orthe checksum separates the house number and suffixes with an X and is placedbelow the address. Singapore Post uses RM4SCCwithout alteration.

There are strictguidelines governing the usage of these barcodes, which allow for maximumreadability by machines.

They can be usedwith Royal Mail's Cleanmail system, as an alternative to OCR readable fonts, toallow businesses to easily and cheaply send large quantities of letters.




·        Used by the RoyalMail for its Cleanmail service

·        Enables the UKpostcodes as well as Delivery Point Suffixes (DPSs) to be easily read by a machine at high speed

·        There are strict guidelinesgoverning the usage of these barcodes, which allow for maximum readability bymachines

·        Can be used with Royal Mail Cleanmail system as an alternative to OCR readable fonts

·        Allows businesses to easilyand cheaply send large quantities of letters

Each character is made up of 4 bars, 2 of which extend upward, and2 of which extend downward. The combination of the top and bottom halves gives36 possible symbols: 10 digits and 26 letters.

The RM4SCC barcode on theright consists of a start character, the postcode, the Delivery Point Suffix(DPS), a checksum character, and a stop character. The DPS is a two-charactercode ranging from 1A to 9T, with codes 9U to 9Z being accepted as default codeswhen no DPS has been allocated.


An RM4SCC barcodeconsist of the following elements: 
The left quiet zone, a start character, the postcode, the Delivery Point Suffix(DPS), a checksum character, and a stop character, the right quiet zone. Thestructure of RM4SCC is as below: 

 RM4SCCBarcode Size Setting

Asfor RM4SCC size setting, two properties should be your main concern: bar width(i.e. X dimension) and image width. 
If you want to create an RM4SCC barcode with a fixed image height, you canadjust the image height in the property setting panel.


RM4SCCData Encoding

Beinga postal barcode symbology, RM4SCC encodes:

·       NumericDigits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

·      Upper-casealphabets A-Z

·     Openand close brackets ( ) or [ ] (only used as start/stop bars)

RM4SCCBarcode Checksum Digit

RM4SCC barcoderequires a module 6 checksum digit, but you don't need to worry about the complicated calculation, because of OnBarcode RM4SCC barcode generator software & components will automatically add checksum digit for you so yourgenerated RM4SCC barcodes can be specification compatible and scannable.


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